Jukka Harju

French Horn

Publishing BACH
8:00 PM20:00

Publishing BACH

On the years 2020-21 numerous public performances were cancelled. During that time there has probably published more solo albums than ever. It was also my way to keep me motivated and that gave the birth for an album with Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cello Suites nr 1-3 for French horn. The magnificent sound engineer Markku Veijonsuo from Varistoteles studios made the sound and Alba records publishes it now.

The publishing concert for the album is in co-operation with Lieksa Brass Week and the fine Finnish vienna horn ensemble “Wiener Burschen” in the beautiful Lieksa church. Come and join us celebrating the new album!

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Kokkola 400th anniversary
7:00 AM07:00

Kokkola 400th anniversary

Jukka’s home town Kokkola celebrates it’s 400th anniversary. Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra performs their jubilee concert with Kokkola aboriginals conductor Janne Nisonen and hornist Jukka Harju. In the program inter alia Mozart’s Horn Concerto Kv 495. Due to covid-19 the concert will be streamed to internet. Follow Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra at www.kamariorkesteri.fi for further details.

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Hauho Music Festival
to Jul 4

Hauho Music Festival

Hauho Music Festival introduces again an interesting pool of music and artists. The festival takes place in Hauho and surrounding municipality. Due to the covid-19 pandemic the festival will run with reduced concerts. In the perspective of horn you can hear Schumann Adagio & Allegro in the live stream on Hauho Music Festival home page at www.hauhofestival.fi

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Britten Serenade
7:00 PM19:00

Britten Serenade

Sian Edwards, kapellimestari
Topi Lehtipuu, tenori 
Jukka Harju, käyrätorvi 
Turun filharmoninen orkesteri

Maurice Ravel: Hanhiemo, sarja orkesterille
Benjamin Britten: Serenadi tenorille, käyrätorvelle ja jousille op. 31
Antonín Dvořák: Sinfonia nro 6 D-duuri op. 60    

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