Jukka Harju

French Horn


Peat, Smoke & Seaweed Storm

by Osmo Tapio Räihälä

Peat, Smoke & Seaweed Storm is the second full album of the Finnish composer Osmo Tapio Räihälä, released in 2014. The music on the album is performed by the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, and two solo performers, the French horn player Jukka Harju and the pianist Matilda Kärkkäinen. Soliloque 2: La Tornade is dedicated to Harju, who premiered it in the Nordic Horn Symposium 2012 in Norway. It was a “prelude” for the composer’s and artist’s collaboration, which later led to a new Horn Concerto (2013).

Alba Records - Peat, Smoke & Seaweed Storm

"...otsikko Peat, Smoke & Seaweed Storm lupaa runsasaromista musiikkia. (...) levy myös lunastaa otsikon lupaukset. Radion sinfoniaorkesteri ja pianisti Matilda Kärkkäinen soittavat levyllä tasalaatuisesti, käyrätorvisti Jukka Harju suorastaan inspiroituneesti."

- Kare Eskola / YLE Uudet levyt

“Jukka Harju’s virtuoso rendition of the less diffuse second Soliloque, subtitled La tornade (complete with hints of the ‘raging storm’ that occurred during its recording), is more winning”.

- Guy Rickards / Gramophone

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